Idle3 disabling, not working for some WD drives

Since these days I have troubles with the sutpid "Green" technology from Western Digital, I made some check on my servers and find on some of them more GREEN Drives. I tried to disable idle3 state on some of them, but unfortunately it just does not work for some of them.
For example on:
WD10EACS - 1T Standard edition

On the above drives I was unable to disable idle3 state.

wdidle3.exe /D

wdidle3.exe gives me something like: idle3 timer set to 6500ms. No matter that one of them is RE edition. I suppose it uses some old firmware. I will try to get the latest firmware from WD.

The program does not care that I pass the option for disabling the timer. The only good thing in this case is to increase the timer to maximum value

wdidle3.exe /S255

Actually from the HDDs I have tried to play with, the only one which actually agree to disable their timer were WD 2TB RE4 model: WD2002FYPS

Conclusion: DO NOT buy GREEN HDDs for servers. They will screw you.


  1. hello, I am trying to change this on my 24 2tb RE4 drives but I have no idea on how to do it. DO I have to use a boot cd? sorry I never had to do this to a hard drive :(

  2. try wdidle3.exe /S0
    it will disable the timer at all

